Glass Door Freezer – PGL22F3R

Model Name: PGL22F3R

Introducing the new addition to the P series range – Glass Door Freezer – PGL22F3R, our best-in-class refrigeration merchandiser. The P Series range of merchandisers is the most energy efficient and sustainable option available in the market. The P series stands for People, Planet, Performance. With a strong focus on environmental responsibility, our P series is designed to minimise energy consumption while maximising performance. By incorporating cutting-edge technology and innovative engineering, we have created a range of products that exceeds industry standards for energy efficiency.

The Hussmann glass door freezer has an ergonomic design with innovative technologies. CaseConnect IoT ready, it is our leading multideck doored range. With a modern design, aimed to seamlessly suite in a line up or in an aisle configuration it is a versatile solution for your retail needs. Aesthetically visually appealing, it also has functionality for easy conversions.  The medium temperature and low temperature have a lower case design which allows for full alignment between open medium temperature, doored medium temperature and low temperature freezer cases for a seamless look.

The Hussmann glass door freezer is a highly energy efficient with energy efficient frameless doors. The design offers lower cost of ownership with easy installation, service and maintenance. With a focus on sustainability, it ensures the lowest operational costs for your retail environment.


Unit Type




Available Widths (1562, 2343, 3124, 3905)



3L1 (<-18˚C to -15˚C)