Hot Locker – 16 compartments – VBM-4422UDTCS-B1

Model Name: VBM-4422UDTCS-B1

The Hussmann, VBM-4422UDTCS-B1 Panasonic Hot Locker, provides an automated, heated solution to enhance your supply chain by offering your customers the delivery of their delivery and quick service food purchases in a secure, hygienic, and convenient way.

The Hot Locker has 12 Small & 4 Large compartments and reduces the cost for retailers associated with ‘last-mile’ delivery by utilising centralised delivery points while also providing customers with a secure and flexible way to deliver and receive a wide range of products. Items delivered to a Hot Locker can include perishable products using the heated or ambient temperature settings- on a self-serve basis with 24/7 access.


Unit Type

Heated Locker